0.0.2 ===== - Added icon to difficulty dialog - Adjusted for paths containing spaces - Upgraded release version - Restored application icon - Replaced gray background with a random star field - Implemented middle mouse button uncover surrounding area - Fixed field position in advanced difficulty level - Fixed credits display in every difficulty level - Fixed highscore display in every difficulty level - Aligned text in intermediate difficulty level - Fixed and simplified difficulty dialog buttons behavior - Improved text routines - Cleaned up versioned files - Applied text routines to time and remaining bombs text - Made text bitmaps same width - Fixed PrintString when overrideWidth is specified - Used PrintCenteredString to write bounding bombs number - Added startup version control check - Code cleanup - Fixed screen resolution for advanced difficulty - Fixed new game button timing - Started modifying graphics rendering to adjust to difficulty level - Modified background color to better blend with foreground - Improved and implemented text drawing routines - Exposed difficulty level - Modified start position of difficulty dialog to be centered on screen - "Ok" button is now the default action for difficulty dialog - Updated project to VS2010 - Fixed "new game" button timing - Removed old main window - Implemented difficulty level selection and moved rendering away from WinForms - Updated sharpallegro to latest version