using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; #if WIN32 using MSHTML; #else using mshtml; #endif using sharpknife.Utils; using System.Globalization; using sharpknife.Controls; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using sharpknife.Data; namespace sharpknife.Strategies { class JillsClickCornerStrategy : Strategy { private string CAPTCHA = "Please select the security code from the dropdown box that matches the one below"; public override bool CheckLogin(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { //Hello Guest, please login or register. return StringUtils.Contains(browser.Html, "Hello Guest"); } public override void Login(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override decimal GetBalance(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { //Your account balance after all transactions: IHTMLElementCollection elements = HtmlUtils.GetElementCollection(browser.Document, "td"); int count = elements.length; foreach (IHTMLElement element in elements) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.innerText) && element.innerText.IndexOf("Cash Balance", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { IHTMLElementCollection innerTables = ((IHTMLElementCollection)element.all).tags("table"); if (innerTables.length == 0) { IHTMLTable table = (IHTMLTable)element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; int rowIndex = 0; int columnIndex = 2; if (((IHTMLElement)table).innerHTML.IndexOf("Current Earnings", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { rowIndex++; } IHTMLTableRow row = (IHTMLTableRow)browser.GetElementAt(table.rows, rowIndex); IHTMLTableCell cell = (IHTMLTableCell)browser.GetElementAt(row.cells, columnIndex); string text = ((IHTMLElement)cell).innerText; string value = ((IHTMLElement)cell).innerText.Trim(); return decimal.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); } } } throw new Exception(); } public override bool SolveCaptcha(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { //string html = HtmlUtils.GetFrameContent(browser.Document); string html = string.Empty; FramesCollection frames = browser.Document.frames; IHTMLWindow2 timerFrame = null; for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { object refIndex = i; IHTMLWindow2 frame = (IHTMLWindow2)frames.item(ref refIndex); try { string name =; } catch (Exception ex) { LogItem item = new LogItem(ex.ToString()); item.Save(); return false; } if ( == "timer") { timerFrame = frame; if (frame.document != null && frame.document.body != null) { html = frame.document.body.innerHTML; } break; } } if (StringUtils.Contains(html, CAPTCHA)) { // IHTMLElementCollection elements = HtmlUtils.GetElementCollection(timerFrame.document, "img"); string imageUrl = string.Empty; Bitmap bitmap = null; foreach (IHTMLElement element in elements) { IHTMLImgElement image = (IHTMLImgElement)element; if (StringUtils.Contains(image.src, "")) { imageUrl = image.src; bitmap = ImageUtils.GetImage(image); break; } } string captcha = ImageUtils.ParseStringCaptcha(bitmap); StringCaptchaConfirm dialog = new StringCaptchaConfirm() { Captcha = captcha, CaptchaImage = bitmap }; int i = 0; // IHTMLElementCollection options = HtmlUtils.GetElementCollection(timerFrame.document, "option"); foreach (IHTMLElement element in options) { dialog.Options[i] = element.innerText; i++; } bool dialogResult = dialog.ShowDialog().Value; if (!dialog.IsMatch) { string path = string.Format(@"..\..\Images\Captcha\Strings"); bitmap.Save(Path.Combine(path, string.Format("{0}.png", Guid.NewGuid()))); } bitmap.Dispose(); if (dialogResult == true) { // foreach (IHTMLElement element in options) { if (element.innerText == dialog.Captcha) { IHTMLOptionElement option = (IHTMLOptionElement)element; option.selected = true; option.form.submit(); return true; } } } } else { return true; } return false; } public override Ad ParseMail(Mail mail) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool ParseAds(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override decimal GetReferrals(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }