using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; #if WIN32 using MSHTML; #else using mshtml; #endif using sharpknife.Utils; using System.Globalization; using sharpknife.Controls; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using sharpknife.Data; using sharpknife.Commands; using sharpknife.Engines; namespace sharpknife.Strategies { class GetPaidMailStrategy : Strategy { public override bool CheckLogin(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { //CashCrusader Version: 3.0.0 //Last MySQL backup from admin: 2,507.32 days //Commissions settings: //Point ads: 10,5,3,2,1 % //Cash ads: 10,5,3,2,1 % //Must login every 30 days and //be at least 10% as active as your downline to get commission from downline clicks //Sales Commission: 10,5,3,2,1 % //Only support registered sites. Click here to verify registration return StringUtils.Contains(browser.Html, "CashCrusader Version:") || StringUtils.Contains(browser.Html, "Log In"); } public override void Login(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { // // // IHTMLInputElement username = HtmlUtils.GetInputByName(browser.Document, "username"); IHTMLInputElement password = HtmlUtils.GetInputByName(browser.Document, "password"); username.value = source.Username; password.value = source.Password; password.form.submit(); } public override decimal GetBalance(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { //Your account balance after all transactions: IHTMLElementCollection elements = HtmlUtils.GetElementCollection(browser.Document, "td"); int count = elements.length; foreach (IHTMLElement element in elements) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.innerText) && element.innerText.IndexOf("Your account balance after all transactions", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { IHTMLElementCollection innerTables = ((IHTMLElementCollection)element.all).tags("table"); if (innerTables.length == 0) { IHTMLTable table = (IHTMLTable)element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; int rowIndex = 2; int columnIndex = 1; if (((IHTMLElement)table).innerHTML.IndexOf("Current Earnings", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { rowIndex++; } IHTMLTableRow row = (IHTMLTableRow)browser.GetElementAt(table.rows, rowIndex); IHTMLTableCell cell = (IHTMLTableCell)browser.GetElementAt(row.cells, columnIndex); string value = ((IHTMLElement)cell).innerText.Substring(2).Trim(); return decimal.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); } } } throw new Exception(); } public override bool SolveCaptcha(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Ad ParseMail(Mail mail) { if (StringUtils.Contains(mail.Body, "
")) { mail.Body = mail.Body.Replace("
", "
"); } string paidAd = StringUtils.GetTokens(mail.Body, "{}PAID AD
{}")[1]; paidAd = paidAd.Replace("=\r\n", string.Empty); paidAd = paidAd.Replace("3D\"", "\""); paidAd = paidAd.Replace("=3D", "="); string[] links = StringUtils.GetTokens(paidAd, "

"); if (links[1] == links[3]) { Ad ad = new Ad() { Link = links[1] }; return ad; } return null; } public override bool ParseAds(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { IHTMLElementCollection tables = HtmlUtils.GetElementCollection(browser.Document, "table"); List commands = new List(); int paidAds = 0; int ads = 0; string html = browser.Html; foreach (IHTMLElement element in tables) { string table = element.innerHTML; IHTMLElementCollection innerTables = ((IHTMLElementCollection)element.all).tags("table"); if (innerTables.length == 0) { int start = html.IndexOf(table); int end = html.IndexOf("
", start, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (end >= 0 && html.Substring(start, end - start).IndexOf("The ad above is worth", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { string ad = html.Substring(start, end - start); // Cheat bot checks // if (ad.IndexOf("ohoh.gif", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { throw new Exception("Not expected"); continue; } try { AdLogItem item = new AdLogItem(DateTime.Now, ad); if (item.Value > 0) { AdCommand command = new AdCommand( item.Link, item.Timer + 5, item.Type == AdLogItem.ValueType.Cents ? AdCommand.BonusValue.Cents : AdCommand.BonusValue.Points, item.Value, source.Name); commands.Add(command); ads++; if (command.Bonus == AdCommand.BonusValue.Cents) paidAds++; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogItem item = new LogItem(ex.Message); item.Save(); } } } } ParseAdsCommand parseAdsCommand = new ParseAdsCommand(source.Name); //if (paidAds > 0) { foreach (AdCommand command in commands) { CommandEngine.GetEngine().Commands.Add(command); } } if (ads == 0) { parseAdsCommand.NextExecution = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2); } CommandEngine.GetEngine().Commands.Add(parseAdsCommand); return true; } public override decimal GetReferrals(WebBrowserControl browser, PTCSource source) { //Total: 1 string[] tokens = StringUtils.GetTokens(StringUtils.RemoveQuotes(browser.Html), "{}Total:{}{}{}"); string referrals = tokens[2]; return decimal.Parse(referrals, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); } } }