using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace sharpallegro5 { /* keycodes.h */ public partial class AllegroApi { public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_A = 1; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_B = 2; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_C = 3; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_D = 4; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_E = 5; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F = 6; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_G = 7; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_H = 8; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_I = 9; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_J = 10; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_K = 11; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_L = 12; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_M = 13; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_N = 14; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_O = 15; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_P = 16; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_Q = 17; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_R = 18; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_S = 19; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_T = 20; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_U = 21; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_V = 22; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_W = 23; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_X = 24; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_Y = 25; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_Z = 26; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_0 = 27; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_1 = 28; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_2 = 29; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_3 = 30; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_4 = 31; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_5 = 32; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_6 = 33; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_7 = 34; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_8 = 35; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_9 = 36; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_0 = 37; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_1 = 38; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_2 = 39; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_3 = 40; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_4 = 41; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_5 = 42; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_6 = 43; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_7 = 44; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_8 = 45; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_9 = 46; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F1 = 47; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F2 = 48; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F3 = 49; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F4 = 50; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F5 = 51; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F6 = 52; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F7 = 53; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F8 = 54; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F9 = 55; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F10 = 56; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F11 = 57; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_F12 = 58; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE = 59; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_TILDE = 60; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_MINUS = 61; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_EQUALS = 62; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_BACKSPACE = 63; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_TAB = 64; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_OPENBRACE = 65; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_CLOSEBRACE = 66; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER = 67; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_SEMICOLON = 68; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_QUOTE = 69; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_BACKSLASH = 70; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_BACKSLASH2 = 71; /* DirectInput calls this DIK_OEM_102: "< > | on UK/Germany keyboards" */ public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_COMMA = 72; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_FULLSTOP = 73; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_SLASH = 74; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_SPACE = 75; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_INSERT = 76; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_DELETE = 77; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_HOME = 78; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_END = 79; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PGUP = 80; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PGDN = 81; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_LEFT = 82; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_RIGHT = 83; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_UP = 84; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN = 85; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_SLASH = 86; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_ASTERISK = 87; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_MINUS = 88; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_PLUS = 89; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_DELETE = 90; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_ENTER = 91; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PRINTSCREEN = 92; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAUSE = 93; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_ABNT_C1 = 94; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_YEN = 95; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_KANA = 96; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_CONVERT = 97; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_NOCONVERT = 98; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_AT = 99; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_CIRCUMFLEX = 100; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_COLON2 = 101; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_KANJI = 102; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_EQUALS = 103; /* MacOS X */ public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_BACKQUOTE = 104; /* MacOS X */ public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_SEMICOLON2 = 105; /* MacOS X -- TODO: ask lillo what this should be */ public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_COMMAND = 106; /* MacOS X */ public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_UNKNOWN = 107; /* All codes up to before ALLEGRO_KEY_MODIFIERS can be freely * assignedas additional unknown keys, like various multimedia * and application keys keyboards may have. */ public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_MODIFIERS = 215; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_LSHIFT = 215; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_RSHIFT = 216; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_LCTRL = 217; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_RCTRL = 218; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_ALT = 219; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_ALTGR = 220; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_LWIN = 221; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_RWIN = 222; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_MENU = 223; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_SCROLLLOCK = 224; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_NUMLOCK = 225; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_CAPSLOCK = 226; public const int ALLEGRO_KEY_MAX = 227; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_SHIFT = 0x00001; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_CTRL = 0x00002; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_ALT = 0x00004; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_LWIN = 0x00008; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_RWIN = 0x00010; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_MENU = 0x00020; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_ALTGR = 0x00040; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_COMMAND = 0x00080; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_SCROLLLOCK = 0x00100; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_NUMLOCK = 0x00200; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_CAPSLOCK = 0x00400; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_INALTSEQ = 0x00800; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_ACCENT1 = 0x01000; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_ACCENT2 = 0x02000; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_ACCENT3 = 0x04000; public const int ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_ACCENT4 = 0x08000; } }