# Comments and blank lines should be preserved when this file is written back # out. # Whoa. old_var = old global value # a long value mysha.xpm = /* XPM */ static char * mysha_xpm[] = { "40 25 16 1", " c #0B0B0C", ". c #302837", "+ c #362D47", "@ c #38303F", "# c #402E46", "$ c #323345", "% c #453335", "& c #3A3A43", "* c #443B4B", "= c #57525A", "- c #7E6676", "; c #6F6B71", "> c #938C97", ", c #B6B0C0", "' c #C9CBDA", ") c #DEE1EE", "$@@@$$@+@@@@@+@@@@+@@@@@@#@@$&$@$+++....", "$@@@@@+@@@$$+$@@@+++@@@@@$@@@@@@+@++.++.", "@@@@@@@+&@@&$+@@@@@@@@+++++@@@+@+$$$++..", "@@+@+@+##++++@$#++$@+@@@@++@#@@@$@$++@..", "++++@@$#+&@*#*#**###@@+++++@@@@@@++.#++.", "+@@@@@&#&&***;,,,,>;=,->;@+@@@@@@@#@+##+", "+++#+$***,,>'))))))',;;->+@@+$@@@$$+#.++", "+++$+$*#>,,>'))')'',>-->>*#@@@$@@@@@++++", "*#*$$***',,>''))))),>-->>>=*@@@@+###@+$+", "$*&$**;)',>,')))))''>-->>>>*@@@@+@$$$$.+", "+$#$*=))',,')))))',,>-;>>>>>*+@&@@$@@.+$", "****=,)))','))))',>>;;;;>;;;*++@+@@+@@++", "$***;')))'')'')',-@>-==;;;;==&@++++@$$&$", "***=;'))))''%''',% ;;===;;&==&##+@@@++@$", "****>'')))''''',,>>>;==&;;=&%&+@++#@@+@@", "**#*;,')''',,,,>>>;;===;;=%%&&@@@+@@@#@$", "*****,'''',>,,>>=;*=======*=&@@@@@@@@++$", "=;>*&>,',>,,>>-*--=========%%@+++++@@@@@", ">>>=*=>,,>,,>--;*=;=======& %@+@+++@@+@@", " ..;->>>>;-==;==== == @@@++@@+@+$", " & =>-;;==& ** ", " *;==&. @ ", " =&% . ", " *% ", " "}; [section] # Comment inside the section. old_var = old section value # UTF8 in section names, key names and values. [adição] €=¿ # The following line contains spaces but will probably be trimmed when # written back out. # Final line.