# There are problems with UTF-8 string literals under MSVC. # There appear to be two cases: # 1. It thinks our source file use the local file encoding. This mostly # works okay: the UTF-8 strings look like strings in an 8-bit charset and # will be passed through directly. But in other locales (e.g. East Asian) # it won't work. # 2. If we add a UTF-8 byte order mark (signature) then MSVC will recognise # the source file as UTF-8, but will then try to re-encode the strings # into the local charset. # So, unfortunately, for portability to MSVC, we have to externalise UTF-8 # strings or write them out using escape codes. symbols1=■□▢▣▤▥▦▧▨▩▪▫▬▭▮▯▰▱ symbols2=▲△▴▵▶▷▸▹►▻▼▽▾▿◀◁◂◃◄◅◆◇◈◉◊ symbols3=○◌◍◎●◐◑◒◓◔◕◖◗◘◙ substr1=«Thís»|you substr2=should|‘ìş’ substr3=not|“cøünt”|see substr4=réstrïçteđ…|this.