using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Reflection; namespace sharpallegro { [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate int DIALOG_PROC(int msg, IntPtr d, int c); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate int MenuCallback(); public class DIALOGS : ManagedPointer { private int length; public int Length { get { return length; } set { length = value; } } public DIALOGS(int length) : base(Alloc(length * 14 * sizeof(Int32))) { this.length = length; } new public DIALOG this[int index] { get { return new DIALOG(Offset(index * 14 * sizeof(Int32))); } set { this[index].proc = value.proc; this[index].x = value.x; this[index].y = value.y; this[index].w = value.w; this[index].h = value.h; this[index].fg = value.fg; this[index].bg =; this[index].key = value.key; this[index].flags = value.flags; this[index].d1 = value.d1; this[index].d2 = value.d2; this[index].dp = value.dp; this[index].dp2 = value.dp2; this[index].dp3 = value.dp3; //value.pointer = Offset(index * 14 * sizeof(Int32)); } } } public class DIALOG : ManagedPointer { public DIALOG(IntPtr pointer) : base(pointer) { } public DIALOG(IntPtr proc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fg, int bg, int key, int flags, int d1, int d2, IntPtr dp, IntPtr dp2, IntPtr dp3) : base(Alloc(14 * sizeof(Int32))) { this.proc = proc; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.fg = fg; = bg; this.key = key; this.flags = flags; this.d1 = d1; this.d2 = d2; this.dp = dp; this.dp2 = dp2; this.dp3 = dp3; } public DIALOG(DIALOG_PROC proc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fg, int bg, int key, int flags, int d1, int d2, IntPtr dp, IntPtr dp2, IntPtr dp3) : this(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(proc), x, y, w, h, fg, bg, key, flags, d1, d2, dp, dp2, dp3) { } public DIALOG(string proc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fg, int bg, int key, int flags, int d1, int d2, IntPtr dp, IntPtr dp2, IntPtr dp3) : this(AllegroAPI.GetAddress(proc), x, y, w, h, fg, bg, key, flags, d1, d2, dp, dp2, dp3) { } public IntPtr proc { get { return ReadPointer(0); } set { WritePointer(0, value); } } public int callback { set { WriteInt(0, value); } } public int x { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int y { get { return ReadInt(2 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(2 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int w { get { return ReadInt(3 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(3 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int h { get { return ReadInt(4 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(4 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int fg { get { return ReadInt(5 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(5 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int bg { get { return ReadInt(6 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(6 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int key { get { return ReadInt(7 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(7 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int flags { get { return ReadInt(8 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(8 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int d1 { get { return ReadInt(9 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(9 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int d2 { get { return ReadInt(10 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(10 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public IntPtr dp { get { return ReadPointer(11 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WritePointer(11 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public IntPtr dp2 { get { return ReadPointer(12 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WritePointer(12 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public IntPtr dp3 { get { return ReadPointer(13 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WritePointer(13 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public static implicit operator DIALOG(IntPtr pointer) { return new DIALOG(pointer); } } /* stored information about the state of an active GUI dialog */ public class DIALOG_PLAYER : ManagedPointer { public DIALOG_PLAYER(IntPtr pointer) : base(pointer) { } public int obj { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int res { get { return ReadInt(2 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(2 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int mouse_obj { get { return ReadInt(3 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(3 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int focus_obj { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int joy_on { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int click_wait { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int mouse_ox { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int mouse_oy { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int mouse_oz { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int mouse_b { get { return ReadInt(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public IntPtr dialog { get { return new IntPtr(ReadInt(sizeof(Int32))); } set { WriteInt(sizeof(Int32), value.ToInt32()); } } public static implicit operator DIALOG_PLAYER(IntPtr pointer) { return new DIALOG_PLAYER(pointer); } } public class MENUS : ManagedPointer { private int length; public int Length { get { return length; } set { length = value; } } public MENUS(int length) : base(Alloc(length * 5 * sizeof(Int32))) { this.length = length; } new public MENU this[int index] { get { return new MENU(Offset(index * 5 * sizeof(Int32))); } set { this[index].text = value.text; this[index].proc = value.proc; this[index].child = value.child; this[index].flags = value.flags; } } } public class MENU : ManagedPointer { public MENU() : base(5 * sizeof(Int32)) { } public MENU(IntPtr pointer) : base(pointer) { } public MENU(string text, IntPtr proc, IntPtr child, int flags, IntPtr dp) : this() { this.text = text; this.proc = proc; this.child = child; this.flags = flags; this.dp = dp; } public MENU(string text, MenuCallback proc, IntPtr child, int flags, IntPtr dp) : this(text, Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(proc), child, flags, dp) { } public string text { get { return ReadString(0); } set { WriteString(0, value); } } public IntPtr proc { get { return ReadPointer(sizeof(Int32)); } set { WritePointer(sizeof(Int32), value); } } public IntPtr child { get { return ReadPointer(2 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WritePointer(2 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public int flags { get { return ReadInt(3 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WriteInt(3 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public IntPtr dp { get { return ReadPointer(4 * sizeof(Int32)); } set { WritePointer(4 * sizeof(Int32), value); } } public static implicit operator MENU(IntPtr pointer) { return new MENU(pointer); } //char *text; /* menu item text */ //AL_METHOD(int, proc, (void)); /* callback function */ //struct MENU *child; /* to allow nested menus */ //int flags; /* flags about the menu state */ //void *dp; /* any data the menu might require */ } }