using System; using System.Text; using sharpallegro; namespace ex3buf { class ex3buf : Allegro { const int NUM_SHAPES = 16; public class SHAPE { public int color; /* color of the shape */ public int x, y; /* centre of the shape */ public int dir1, dir2, dir3; /* directions to the three corners */ public int dist1, dist2, dist3; /* distances to the three corners */ public int xc, yc, ac; /* position and angle change values */ } static SHAPE[] shapes = new SHAPE[NUM_SHAPES]; static bool triplebuffer_not_available = false; /* randomly initialises a shape structure */ static void init_shape(SHAPE shape) { shape.color = 1 + (AL_RAND() % 15); /* randomly position the corners */ shape.dir1 = itofix(AL_RAND() % 256); shape.dir2 = itofix(AL_RAND() % 256); shape.dir3 = itofix(AL_RAND() % 256); shape.dist1 = itofix(AL_RAND() % 64); shape.dist2 = itofix(AL_RAND() % 64); shape.dist3 = itofix(AL_RAND() % 64); /* rand centre position and movement speed/direction */ shape.x = itofix(AL_RAND() % SCREEN_W); shape.y = itofix(AL_RAND() % SCREEN_H); = itofix((AL_RAND() % 9) - 4); shape.xc = itofix((AL_RAND() % 7) - 2); shape.yc = itofix((AL_RAND() % 7) - 2); } /* updates the position of a shape structure */ static void move_shape(SHAPE shape) { shape.x += shape.xc; shape.y += shape.yc; shape.dir1 +=; shape.dir2 +=; shape.dir3 +=; if (((shape.x <= 0) && (shape.xc < 0)) || ((shape.x >= itofix(SCREEN_W)) && (shape.xc > 0))) { shape.xc = -shape.xc; = itofix((AL_RAND() % 9) - 4); } if (((shape.y <= 0) && (shape.yc < 0)) || ((shape.y >= itofix(SCREEN_H)) && (shape.yc > 0))) { shape.yc = -shape.yc; = itofix((AL_RAND() % 9) - 4); } } /* draws a frame of the animation */ static void draw(BITMAP b) { int c; //char message[1024]; string message; acquire_bitmap(b); clear_bitmap(b); for (c = 0; c < NUM_SHAPES; c++) { triangle(b, fixtoi(shapes[c].x + fixmul(shapes[c].dist1, fixcos(shapes[c].dir1))), fixtoi(shapes[c].y + fixmul(shapes[c].dist1, fixsin(shapes[c].dir1))), fixtoi(shapes[c].x + fixmul(shapes[c].dist2, fixcos(shapes[c].dir2))), fixtoi(shapes[c].y + fixmul(shapes[c].dist2, fixsin(shapes[c].dir2))), fixtoi(shapes[c].x + fixmul(shapes[c].dist3, fixcos(shapes[c].dir3))), fixtoi(shapes[c].y + fixmul(shapes[c].dist3, fixsin(shapes[c].dir3))), shapes[c].color); move_shape(shapes[c]); } if (triplebuffer_not_available) //ustrzcpy(message, sizeof message, "Simulated triple buffering"); message = "Simulated triple buffering"; else //ustrzcpy(message, sizeof message, "Real triple buffering"); message = "Real triple buffering"; textout_ex(b, font, message, 0, 0, 255, -1); release_bitmap(b); } /* main animation control loop */ static void triple_buffer(BITMAP page1, BITMAP page2, BITMAP page3) { BITMAP active_page = page1; int page = 0; do { /* draw a frame */ draw(active_page); /* make sure the last flip request has actually happened */ do { } while (poll_scroll()); /* post a request to display the page we just drew */ request_video_bitmap(active_page); /* update counters to point to the next page */ switch (page) { case 0: page = 1; active_page = page2; break; case 1: page = 2; active_page = page3; break; case 2: page = 0; active_page = page1; break; } } while (!keypressed()); clear_keybuf(); } static int Main() { BITMAP page1, page2, page3; int c; int w, h; #if ALLEGRO_DOS w = 320; h = 240; #else w = 640; h = 480; #endif if (allegro_init() != 0) return 1; install_timer(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); /* see comments in exflip.c */ #if ALLEGRO_VRAM_SINGLE_SURFACE if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, w, h, 0, h * 3) != 0) { #else if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, w, h, 0, 0) != 0) { #endif if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_SAFE, w, h, 0, 0) != 0) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); allegro_message(string.Format("Unable to set any graphic mode\n{0}\n", allegro_error)); return 1; } } set_palette(desktop_palette); /* if triple buffering isn't available, try to enable it */ if ((gfx_capabilities & GFX_CAN_TRIPLE_BUFFER) == 0) enable_triple_buffer(); /* if that didn't work, give up */ if ((gfx_capabilities & GFX_CAN_TRIPLE_BUFFER) == 0) { triplebuffer_not_available = true; } /* allocate three sub bitmaps to access pages of the screen */ page1 = create_video_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); page2 = create_video_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); page3 = create_video_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); if ((!page1) || (!page2) || (!page3)) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); allegro_message("Unable to create three video memory pages\n"); return 1; } /* initialise the shapes */ for (c = 0; c < NUM_SHAPES; c++) { shapes[c] = new SHAPE(); init_shape(shapes[c]); } triple_buffer(page1, page2, page3); destroy_bitmap(page1); destroy_bitmap(page2); destroy_bitmap(page3); return 0; } } }